Tell Your Readers About This Workshop And Allow Me To Help Them Easily Get More Traffic Using Pinterest While YOU Make Money!
This Is An On Going Evergreen Offer!
Hi there!
Liz Tomey here and thank you for helping me out with my latest workshop promotion.
The Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop is a live workshop I did, and now I'm selling the recordings PLUS personal coaching with me on using Pinterest in your business. Your people have the chance to get a spot in this online workshop and learn from me personally on how I use Pinterest to market my business and get traffic.
You can see exactly what I'll be teaching them on the sales page by clicking here.
You'll be paid 50% commissions on the $97 attendee option. I also have a coupon code you can use that will save your people $50 off the price and you'll be paid 50% commissions on the $47. It's your choice. Coupon information is below.
This is an evergreen offer, but the coupon is only good for so long. I will be pulling the coupon offer soon, so if you want to tell your people about this offer AND save them money NOW is the time to do it.
There is one upsell for this offer... After purchase your customer is presented with an offer to get ALL workshops from for one price. You will be paid 50% commissions on the $497 attendee option or 50% commissions on the PLR plus attendee option.
If you need promotional tools to promote this workshop you'll find them below!
If you have any comments, questions, want to add a bonus or anything like that I'm just an email away... I look forward to your support on this and helping you in the future with anything you may have that I can support YOU on!
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Promotional Tools...
Coupon Code Information: You can offer your people the following coupon code. I have emails below that you can use or get ideas from to use in your own content. This coupon code will change from time to time.
Current coupon code to save $50: 50OFFPIN
Promotional Emails: Use these emails for ideas to create your own emails OR use them as is to send to your list.
Subject: [Traffic] Are You Using Pinterest For Traffic?
Hey there NAME!
The other day I was reading about some traffic tactics. I mean we all need MORE traffic, right? I’m always on the look out for new ways to get traffic.
I came across some things on using Pinterest to market your business and suck a ton of traffic right from Pinterest!
Pinterest has more than 250 million ACTIVE DAILY users. That’s a lot of people.
But are there people there looking for what you have to offer?
There is a huge misconception about Pinterest. Many have stated that “it’s just for girls” or it’s just for recipes, or it’s just for DIY people.
Nope… Not true at all!
I haven’t found a niche yet that there isn’t a ton of people consuming information about on Pinterest.
Pinterest is like a “visual search engine” and I find myself using it more and more even over Google.
And this trend of people using it as a search engine is just really getting some momentum, so NOW is the time to jump on board and start using it.
Liz Tomey has created a 5 day online workshop where she will be showing you everything you need to know to market your business on Pinterest AND use it to get a ton of traffic.
You’ll learn…
1. How to see if your niche is on Pinterest
2. How to pick a niche to make-money with Pinterest if you don’t have one
3. A complete strategy that goes from A-Z on using Pinterest in your marketing and traffic gettin’
4. A super duper easy way to create 9 pieces of content a month for Pinterest to get you all the traffic that you need.
5. How to use search optimization for Pinterest, so you can get a ton of traffic from it!
6. How to plan out an entire year of content so you’re getting traffic from Pinterest 24/7
And a ton more!
Basically everything you need to know to get started marketing your business on Pinterest and using it to get a ton of traffic will be covered in this online workshop of hers called The Pinterest Traffic Takeover.
So take 5 minutes… The sales page is short and to the point and tells you exactly what you’re going to learn from her and how. Grab your spot and start USING what you learn to get traffic to ANY website you want.
I’ll see you there!
Subject: These People LOVE This Workshop
The other day I found this workshop called the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop.
Now I know Pinterest has a lot of traffic, and I could tap into it and grab my share of it.
The thing though is there are so many different products out there promising to show you how to get traffic, but most of them don’t actually SHOW you AND most are super expensive.
So when I saw this workshop I had to take a closer looking because when I hear the word workshop I think I’m going to be SHOWN something, and that’s what I want.
Show me how to do all the things because if you just tell me usually I don’t get it.
Well… While looking at the sales letter I started seeing all of these testimonials from people who have actually attended the workshop.
These people LOVED this workshop, and all of my fears were put to rest.
You ARE actually SHOWN every single step you need to take to start using Pinterest right and exactly what to do to get traffic to anything you want.
All the testimonials are about halfway down the page. Check this out >>> AFFILIATE LINK
Those testimonials alone made me want to jump in! 🙂
I scrolled down to look at the price. It’s 90% cheaper than almost all of the other courses and products out there on using Pinterest.
I was absolutely sold at this point, and I’m sure you will be too!
If you want to be SHOWN how to use Pinterest to get traffic to absolutely anything you want (even affiliate links) then grab your seat in this workshop right now.
A “little birdie” told me that there will be mega bonuses added to this workshop that everyone who buys now will get, but once they’re added to the sales page the price is going to go up again, so do it now!
Talk soon!
Subject: Your Own Pinterest Traffic Coach
I’m sure you’ve heard of the site called Pinterest, right?
Well if not, it’s basically a “visual search engine”. People search for things there and the search results are all returned as images. They call them “pins”.
I’ve spent hours at a time there before. There’s just so much great stuff.
And I’m not the only one. 🙂 There’s over 250 million current users there!
That’s a lot of people and those who get there content there can tap into that traffic and get a load of it to there own sites.
But it can be a daunting task if you don’t know what you’re doing.
That’s why when I found the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop I got REALLY excited!
When you get your seat in this workshop you’ll be lead through 5 days of everything you need to know and do to get setup on Pinterest and how to start using it to get traffic to anything you want.
Yes… Anything! (Probably not the “naughty” stuff or other “bad stuff”. Pinterest does have it’s own standards like all other search engines.)
And the best part about it is it’s lead by Internet marketing expert Liz Tomey who will be there every step of the way with you to help you!
This is like having your own Pinterest traffic coach.
As you’re going through the workshop you can ask Liz questions directly, have her review your work, or anything else you need.
PLUS there’s a very active Facebook group full of other people going through the workshop that you can network with, bounce ideas off of, and so much more.
I’ve never seen this level of coaching and hold your hand help in an offer at such a low price!
If you’ve been wanting to get more traffic to any of your websites, offers, links, ect then this would be a great strategy to learn while getting any help you need.
Grab your seat at AFFILIATE LINK
Talk soon!
Subject: Make-Money With Pinterest!
I’ve seen a lot of people talking a lot about Pinterest lately.
There are many many many sides to Pinterest, and some really cool ways to make-money with it.
The Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop from Liz Tomey is what really made me stop in my tracks though.
On the first day of the workshop, you’ll be shown what niches work with Pinterest, how to find out if your audience is even using Pinterest, and several different ways you can make-money with Pinterest.
Yes! Besides getting traffic from Pinterest there are some cool ways to make-money with it!
If you want to know this and MORE, make sure you grab your seat to this workshop!
Pinterest is amazing because it has SOOOO much traffic already built into it. You’re just tapping into the traffic that’s already there.
It’s like getting water from a well.
Dip your bucket in this massive hole and get all the water you want.
But you’ve got to know what does and what doesn’t work and how YOU can make-money with it.
That’s why the first entire day of the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop is devoted to this.
So… Come learn it all!
Learn how to use Pinterest to market your business, get traffic to ANYTHING you want, and how to make-money with it.
Just Day 1 will be worth 100X the price of your seat in this workshop, and just wait until you see what is in store for you on the other 4 days.
This is going to rock!
See you there!
Subject: I Scored A Coupon For You!
I’m going to make this super quick today because I truly don’t know how long you will be able to use this coupon code.
Seriously… So, listen up!
The Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop is a 5 day workshop where you’ll be shown EVERYTHING you need to know to get setup correctly with Pinterest and using it to get a ton of traffic to just about anything you want.
Squeeze pages
Sales pages
Blog posts
Affiliate links
And on and on and on…
If you want to get traffic to something you can use Pinterest because it has a TON of it.
Now about that coupon code…
I got you a coupon code that you can use to save $50 on attending the workshop.
All you have to do is go to AFFILIATE LINK
On the checkout page enter this coupon code: 50OFFPIN
You’ll save yourself $50 AND get access to this workshop (and a personal Pinterest traffic coach) and be able to get started with getting traffic from one of the biggest sites online!
As I said though… I have NO IDEA how long this coupon will be valid, so if you want to save that $50 now is the time to do it!
Take 5 minutes… The sales page spells everything out and isn’t some long drawn out thing, grab your seat in this workshop, and use the coupon code to save $50!
On the checkout page enter this coupon code: 50OFFPIN
Talk soon!
P.S. If the coupon code doesn’t work there is nothing I can do. 🙁 Time ran out on it before you could get there. 🙁
Use this blurb in any of the emails to save your people some money! This will work best if you put it right under anywhere you mention your affiliate link in the emails.
Note: I scored a coupon code for you that will save you even more money, but it’s limited to only the first 50 people. If the coupon code doesn’t work I’m sorry, but it’s reached it’s max use. Use this coupon code to save 50% off the purchase option of your choice: 50OFFPIN
Want me to write an email from the angle of your request? Just send me a message and let me know the angle you want me to write the email for you and I’ll create one for you! 🙂
Promotional Content: Use the following content as blog posts or content you're allowed to post in other places such as your Facebook pages, groups, etc.
- Topic: Why Use Pinterest Marketing
- Topic: Creating Pins For Pinterest
- Topic: How To Save Time With Pinterest
Why In The World Would I Use Pinterest In My Marketing?
Let’s face it… When it comes to getting website traffic there’s like 83 bajillion ways to do it. Bajillion isn’t even a word or a number, but trust me. It’s A LOT!
So when it comes to deciding which tactic to use, you might feel a little bit lost.
I want to share one of my favorite tactics with you that you can use that I KNOW works to get traffic to just about anything you want.
Your blog, affiliate links, squeeze pages, sales pages, etc. ANYTHING you want!
What is it?
Pinterest marketing!
If you’ve never heard of Pinterest it’s a social network site that allows you to save things you find around the web onto “boards” so you can keep it organized and easily accessible.
For example in my Pinterest account I have “boards” on Online Business, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Healthy Living, and on and on. When I find something on the Internet that I want to save, I “Pin” it to a “board” that is related to the topic.
Now I have one place I can go when I need information on that topic. That’s why people are using Pinterest! As a matter of fact, Pinterest currently has 250 million ACTIVE users.
That’s A LOT of people.
People you could be getting in front of and getting them to your website!
So the first reason you should be using Pinterest Marketing?
It has the traffic already. You just have to be there to get it. 🙂
Need more reasons other than it has built in traffic? Um… Why?
Seriously there are more reasons…
It’s super duper easy.
Follow a simple strategy and you can get traffic.
Simply create a great looking image that represents whatever you’re wanting to drive traffic to, create a description for your image, put your link in, and you’re done.
Now you have a Pin on Pinterest that other Pinterest users can find.
Now there’s a little more to it than that, but that’s the strategy in a nutshell.
It truly is super duper easy.
It’s FUN!
Look there’s not a lot of “fun” in driving traffic to your website, but using Pinterest is actually fun.
I enjoy the user side of it a lot. I like finding great information about what I’m interested in and putting it in categories (Pinterest boards). It’s very therapeutic for my OCD brain.
But on the marketing side of things I really enjoy creating images for stuff I want to get traffic to, and putting (Pinning) it on Pinterest.
Note: Even if you don’t enjoy creating images there are tons of templates out there you can use for your images to make it a quick and easy process.
Not to mention seeing the traffic from my efforts is a HUGE “fun factor”.
So, if you’re lost in the “sea of traffic tactics” I highly recommend you start learning to use Pinterest. It’s fun, easy, and most importantly has a ton of traffic there waiting for you.
If you’d like to learn to use Pinterest in your marketing and get a ton of traffic from it I recommend you get your seat in the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop. Where you’ll learn from Internet marketing expert Liz Tomey on how to use it from A-Z. All the way from learning how to make money with Pinterest in different niches to creating the best strategy to get the most traffic. Grab your seat at AFFILIATE LINK
9 Fast Content Ideas You Can Use To Create Pins On Pinterest
The biggest issue people face when using Pinterest in their marketing is having content to create Pins for.
Of course you can Pin the same thing over and over again (as long as you create a new image for it, change up the description, etc.), but to really get traffic from Pinterest you need fresh new content on an on going basis.
But who has time for that?
You do.
When you create “fast content”!
By creating “fast content” you can fill your Pinterest profile with original Pins that link to your squeeze pages, sales pages, blog posts, etc. Anything you want of yours!
Here are 9 “fast content” ideas you can use and create your own Pins on Pinterest.
1. Current Blog Posts – I’m starting this off with the obvious. Your own content. You can create a few new Pin images per piece of content you have and have a ton of new Pins for Pinterest.
For example… I currently have 13 blog posts. I could create 2 Pin images for each blog post and have 26 Pins I could add to Pinterest this month. Now that’s what I call “fast content”.
Want to really save some time? Hire someone over at Fiverr to create the Pins for you. Send them the links to your blog posts, and tell them to create 2 Pins for each of them. Of course you’ll have to give them direction on design, but this will save you a ton of time.
2. Promotion Quotes – I call these “promotional quotes” because you simply take a quote you find related to your niche, and make a “promotional quote” out of it and you can link it to anything you want. You could even do this daily and have 30 new Pins each month all linking to something of yours. This is great “fast content” idea to use to have at least ONE thing of YOURS you can Pin every day.
When I create mine, I have a nice clean design, great quote, and then at the bottom a call to action to signup for my challenge. How many things can you do this with?
3. Infographics – Infographics are HOT on Pinterest and you should be creating your own to get traffic to your own stuff. Canva has a ton of templates you can use to create your own infographic or again HIRE someone to do it, so this becomes a “super fast content” tactic!
4. Q&A Posts – What questions do you get asked or are asked the most in your niche? Take one, answer it, create a post about it, and then post it to your blog. Create a Pin and Pin it on Pinterest. Quick and easy! You should be able to create this in just a few minutes. Just ONE question per post is all you need.
5. What Are You Doing? – It’s the weekend or just a normal weekday. What are you doing that’s related to your niche? This could basically be a couple of photos with a few sentences about each photo. Post it up to your blog, and Pin it! You’re done…
6. Got Tips? – Can you name 3 or 5 tips related to your niche? Make a blog post with those 3-5 tips. This again should only take you a few minutes. Spice your post up with a few images, and you’ve got yourself a fast piece of content!
7. Resources – What are the best resources related to your niche? List them out, write a sentence or two about them, and boom!, you have a piece of content that’s ready to post to your blog and Pin on Pinterest.
Have I said Pin on/to Pinterest enough yet? I’m going to say it about two more times, so get ready.
8. Top Content – Take a look at your stats. Find the content that got the most traffic or shares or likes or comments or whatever. For example like your top 5. Write a few sentences about why you think each did well, and once again… BOOM! You have a piece of content. Now post it and… Make a Pin on Pinterest.
I’m only going to say it one more time. Here we go…
9. Mood boards – Mood boards are hot right now and it’s pretty easy to create one related to your niche. Not to mention it’s super fast to do it. Create your own mood board image and use it as a Pin on Pinterest and link it to something of yours that you want to get traffic to.
That’s 9… NINE… different things you can create FAST to have content TODAY so you can Pin it to Pinterest all month long.
Imagine if you sat down right now and used ALL of these examples and created 3 Pins to use to Pin to Pinterest.
Ooops… I lied. I said Pin on Pinterest AGAIN. Just a few more times, and then I promise I’m done.
If you had 3 Pins for a current blog post.
If you had 3 promotional quotes.
If you had 3 infographics.
If you had 3 Pins for your Q&A post.
If you had 3 Pins for your What Are You Doing? post.
If you had 3 Pins for your Tips post.
If you had 3 Pins for your Resources post.
If you had 3 Pins for your Top Content post.
If you had 3 mood board images.
That’s 27 Pins for Pinterest and you created it all in a matter of just a couple of hours. If you outsource the Pin creation and the other image creation you’ll save even more time.
Okay so there you have it. A quick and easy way to create “fast content” and have about a month of Pins you can Pin on Pinterest (last time I’ll say it)!
Pinterest is a great social media site to get a ton of traffic from. If you’d like to learn this strategy for using Pinterest to get a ton of traffic to your squeeze pages, sales pages, blog posts, affiliate links, and anything else you want to get traffic to I highly recommend that you attend the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop. You can grab your seat at AFFILIATE LINK. Use the coupon code: 50OFFPIN to save $50!
Fact: Pinterest Marketing Is NOT Time Consuming!
Many people shy away from using Pinterest to get traffic because they think it’s too time consuming.
Now to get your profile setup, get your account filled with content, and the other initial setup stuff does take some time, the on going use of Pinterest to get traffic comes down to just four things.
Really… Just FOUR things!
Let me cover these four things with you here…
1. Work on creating content.
Content is the one thing you absolutely have to have if you want to use Pinterest to get traffic. There’s so many different kinds of content you can create and not all content creation takes a ton of time. You should have a goal to have at least 1 piece of new content every 2 weeks. For me personally I create 2-3 new pieces of content each week. Just work your way up to this level. For now start with a small goal.
You should be working on creating content each and every day. You don’t have to create a piece of content every day, but you should be working on a piece of content every day. Even if it’s only for 10-20 minutes.
2. Pin other people’s content.
Your goal with your Pinterest account is to Pin at least 10 Pins a day, but the more you do the better. Pin at least 10 Pins each day. A few pins a few times a day.
How long will it take you when you get up in the morning to Pin 2-3 things? How long will it take you to Pin 2-3 things while eating lunch? How long will it take you to Pin 2-3 things before bed?
The answer?
Not long at all! Just don’t make it hard. Look for stuff related to your boards, when you find it, Pin it, and you’re done!
3. Pin your own content.
You might not do this every day, but if you can, DO IT! You should be pinning your own content as much as you can. Hint: This is how you get the traffic.
There are ways to create what I call “fast content” that will save you a ton of time, and of course you can also pay others to create your content for you which will save you a TON of time.
4. Work Pinterest
Besides Pinning there are other things you need to do with your account to keep Pinterest in love with you and the traffic flowing. Things like following leaders in your niche, following their followers, and commenting on other people’s Pins.
I call this “working Pinterest”. You can do these things in just moments each day. Stay focused, do what you need to do, and be done.
That’s it… Those are the four things you’ll do daily with your Pinterest account to keep the traffic flowing.
The biggest key here is to have a plan, stick to it, and don’t get lost in a “time warp” on Pinterest.
Pinterest is a lot of fun to browse and you can get lost quick there looking at all the “things”, but if you use your Business account JUST for business you’ll save yourself a bunch of time.
Doing these four things daily is worth the traffic that Pinterest has the power to send to you. I promise! You’ve just got to stay focused and put in the work.
Want to learn how to do these four things from an absolute expert on Pinterest? Then make sure you grab a seat in the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop. Where you’ll learn from Internet marketing expert Liz Tomey on how to use Pinterest from A-Z. All the way from learning how to make money with Pinterest in different niches to creating the best strategy to get the most traffic. Grab your seat at AFFILIATE LINK
Promotional Images: Use any of the images below on your blog or social media!
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- Your people are safe with me! I take good care of my customers and I'll take good care of yours too!
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- This is a great opportunity for your people to learn "hands on" from someone who has been teaching Internet marketing tactics for almost 15 years now! They're getting someone who can truly help them!!
- I'm providing you with some great resources and tools to use to promote this offer, and if you need anything I'll customer create it for you!
- Because it's just the right thing to do! 🙂
Most Importantly - Thank You!
Thank you! I truly couldn't have the business and the ability to help so many without YOU! Thank you for your support and trust...
Okay... I think that's everything! If there is anything I can do to help you please do let me know. I'll be more than happy to help you out!
* Reciprocal mailings will only be given on quality products! We value our customers, so please understand if we don't feel your product makes our quality standards we will not promote it. But that doesn't mean we will never promote for you. If your next product meets our standards we'll promote it. I don't think this is going to be an issue (never has been) because I work with a bunch of awesome people.
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